Jet Cleaner Baterai Alat Cuci Kendaraan Portable

Jet Cleaner Baterai Alat Cuci Kendaraan Portable

1 Ulasan 0 terjual, sisa 0
Rp 275,000
Ketersediaan : Sold Out
Telah Dilihat : 4019 kali
Tag Produk : otomotif alat cuci mobil motor
Layanan Estimasi Biaya


Mencuci kendaraan kini jadi lebih mudah dan praktis, dengan Mesin Steam Portable ini anda bisa mencuci dimana saja dan kapan saja. Tidak perlu colok kabel lagi, cukup pasang baterainya dan pompa siap digunakan. Semprotan lebih jauh dan kuat, serbaguna bisa juga untuk semprot tanaman, membersihkan perabot, menghilangkan noda/kotoran, dll. Tersedia dalam 3 mode semprotan yaitu jet steam, embun (diagonal), dan semprotan sabun.

Spesifikasi Produk :
Warna : Hitam
Bahan plastik : PP dan ABS
Power pompa : 200 Watt
Voltase baterai : 21V
Ampere adaptor : 0,8 a
Tekanan output : 30 bar
Debit air : 3 liter/menit
Kapasitas baterai : 15.000 mah (1.500 mah x10 sel)
Waktu charger : 3-4 jam
Waktu penggunaan : ± 50-60 menit
Panjang Selang : 4,2 meter

Cara Pemasangan :
1.Pasang filter air ke ujung selang, dan sambungan selang ke input pompa
2.Sambungkan pipa output ke pompa, lalu pilih salah satu nozle yang akan dipakai
3.Colokkan nozle ke pipa output dengan ditarik terlebih dahulu kunciannya
4.Pasang baterainya, dan masukkan selang ke sumber air lalu pompa siap digunakan

Kelengkapan :
- 1pcs Mesin steam portable
- 1pcs Baterai 21V
- 1pcs Adaptor charger
- 4,2m Selang
- 1pcs Pipa output
- 2pcs Nozzle
- 1pcs Botol sabun
- 1pcs Filter air
- 1 pcs Konektor selang
- 1 pcs Sambungan drat ke botol (2,5 cm)

Tulis Ulasan


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The total time it takes to receive your order is shown below:


The total delivery time is calculated from the time your order is placed until the time it is delivered to you. Total delivery time is broken down into processing time and shipping time.

Processing time: The time it takes to prepare your item(s) to ship from our warehouse. This includes preparing your items, performing quality checks, and packing for shipment.

Shipping time: The time for your item(s) to tarvel from our warehouse to your destination.

Shipping from your local warehouse is significantly faster. Some charges may apply.

In addition, the transit time depends on where you're located and where your package comes from. If you want to know more information, please contact the customer service. We will settle your problem as soon as possible. Enjoy shopping!

Size Chart
Layanan Estimasi Biaya
Jet Cleaner Baterai Alat Cuci Kendaraan Portable

Jet Cleaner Baterai Alat Cuci Kendaraan Portable

Rp 275,000