Mesin Cuci Kendaraan Tekanan Tinggi Alat Steam Mobil High Pressure Washer

Mesin Cuci Kendaraan Tekanan Tinggi Alat Steam Mobil High Pressure Washer

0 Ulasan 0 terjual, sisa 0
Rp 650,000
Ketersediaan : Sold Out
Telah Dilihat : 3162 kali
Tag Produk : otomotif alat cuci mobil motor
Layanan Estimasi Biaya


Mesin Steam Tekanan Tinggi adalah alat yang dirancang khusus untuk membersihkan kendaraan dengan menggunakan semburan air bertekanan tinggi. Mesin ini dapat menghilangkan kotoran, debu, lumpur, dan residu lainnya dari permukaan kendaraan dengan cepat dan efektif. Daya semprotan yang bertekanan tinggi, membuat alat ini sangat cocok digunakan untuk cuci mobil, motor, truk, bus, karpet, lantai, perabotan, ac, dll.

Spesifikasi :
Daya : 2000 Watt
Tegangan : AC 220V - 240V
Frekuensi : 50 - 60Hz
Tekanan : 80 - 180 Bar
Maksimal Aliran : 9 L/Min
Maksimal Suhu : 40 ℃
Maksimal Input : 0,7 mpa
Tipe Motor : Motor Induksi
Dimensi : 40*20*37

Fitur :
Semprotan kuat, bisa mode terpusat dan menyebar
Motor otomatis mati saat saat tidak digunakan, dan otomatis nyala saat tuas ditekan
Sumber air bisa menggunakan penampungan air atau langsung dari kran
Aksesoris lengkap dan pemasangan mudah

Kelengkapan :
1x Mesin Steam Tekanan Tinggi
1x Selang Input 2M
1x Selang Output 5M
1x Nozzle Semprotan
1x Botol Sabun
1x Konektor Input Pompa
1x Konektor Input Selang
1x Filter Air
1x Konektor Kran

Tulis Ulasan


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The total time it takes to receive your order is shown below:


The total delivery time is calculated from the time your order is placed until the time it is delivered to you. Total delivery time is broken down into processing time and shipping time.

Processing time: The time it takes to prepare your item(s) to ship from our warehouse. This includes preparing your items, performing quality checks, and packing for shipment.

Shipping time: The time for your item(s) to tarvel from our warehouse to your destination.

Shipping from your local warehouse is significantly faster. Some charges may apply.

In addition, the transit time depends on where you're located and where your package comes from. If you want to know more information, please contact the customer service. We will settle your problem as soon as possible. Enjoy shopping!

Size Chart
Layanan Estimasi Biaya
Mesin Cuci Kendaraan Tekanan Tinggi Alat Steam Mobil High Pressure Washer

Mesin Cuci Kendaraan Tekanan Tinggi Alat Steam Mobil High Pressure Washer

Rp 650,000